
Ways to ensure your UK spouse visa not getting refused

Ways to ensure your UK spouse visa not getting refused Posted On
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Marriage can happen without any restrictions in geographical boundaries. There are lots of people in the United Kingdom married to other country citizens. You have to apply for the spouse visa to bring the life partner into the United Kingdom. You must know the legal proceedings of the government to get the spouse visa in a fast manner. Spouse visa is important to form a bonded relationship with your spouse and start the household. Your spouse should undertake a2 English test to get a visa to enter into the U.K. The Following procedures should be followed to get the spouse visa without denial.

Genuine Relationship

There are lots of illegal immigrants coming into the United Kingdom. These illegal immigrants are coming into the country to find a suitable job. The home office is following strict procedures to prevent these illegal immigrants. The home office will look for marriage convenience to prevent the temporary employee from becoming a British citizen illegally. The government will examine the reliability of your relationship with your spouse. The marriage certificate is only a document. You should spend considerable time with your spouse to understand their past life. You have to understand the skills and abilities of the spouse. The officials from the home office will investigate the scenario in which the marriage happened. They also raise questions about the full life history and qualifications of your spouse. You must be very clear about the above points to get the visa approval in the first attempt.

Financial Requirement

The persons with a strong financial background will be given UK visa easily. The spouse should have the threshold amount of £ 18,600 to get the visa. This threshold amount can be shown to the government based on the income from employment. This amount can also be shown from self-employment.

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The limit of the threshold may rise if the applicants are showing the income from large scale business. Your spouse can also show the cash savings as financial security. The cash savings should be the sum of £ 62,500 to reach the maximum financial thresh hold.

Proof of Local Property

This is one of the important documents which determine the permanent stay in the country. Your spouse has to provide the proof of local residence either temporary or permanent. The residence should be an individual house, not lodging accommodations. You have the option to show your property as proof. This proof enables the quick approval of a visa without any refusal.

Fluency in the English Language

The U.K immigration application should contain some proven level of English knowledge efficiency. Your spouse should pass a CEFR level in a2 English test to prove their efficiency in English knowledge. This fluency will enable the spouse to prove their genuine reason to stay in the country. The a2 English test is authorized by the home office.

Final Words

The Spouse visa should be applied with proper documentation. Your spouse should pass the eligible English language with a recommended level of fluency. Financial security should be arranged before applying for the visa.

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