Social Selling Posted On
Digital Marketing

Social Selling and Growth Of Your Business: 8 Best Tips That Can Help You to Get Started With Social Selling

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937 ViewsKeeping up with new sales strategies is challenging-especially today. Yet, the latest strategy- social selling- is more than a buzzword and has been proven to increase company revenue by 16% according to the Sales reps that use social selling sell more and reach the targets faster. Yet, 75% of sales reps do not […]

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How to keep your dog during the summer holidays? Posted On

How to keep your dog during the summer holidays?

Posted By admin

936 ViewsAre you going on vacation but unfortunately cannot take your doggie with you? We tell you everything to keep your dog and make him spend a great summer. Foster care For short stays of around a week, you can go to one of your neighbors who also have dogs (sociable) to ask him to […]

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