What Is the Function of an Accounting Audit?

Who carries out auditing?
Auditors carry out auditing by working inside or outside the company. the auditor might carry out the audit for his own company or for any other company or organization as well.
External and Internal Auditors
If the audit is being carried out by a certified accountant who works in independent auditing firms in Abu Dhabi, it will be referred to as external audit firms in Dubaiand the person carrying out would be referred to as the external auditor.
If the audit gets carried out in a company itself, it will be referred to as internal audit and the person carrying out the audit for his company will be referred to as an internal auditor.
What does the Auditors in UAE do?
He ensures that all the things mentioned in the financial statement of the company are accurate and true. Same is the case with the internal auditors. They also assure that the financial statements of the company are accurate and there is no problem with it.
Examination of Company Systems
By auditing, the company’s financial statements are examined. In this way, it also gets checked that all the operations of the company are operating in a correct manner or not. This measuring activity is such a good approach to checking the systems of the company. in this way, all the things get measured properly which gives assurance to the company’s operations as well.
Elimination of errors
All the errors of accounting get eliminated because of the audits. The results are compared which shows if everything is accurate or not. If anything is not right in the financial statements, the errors are identified and then corrected by the company.
Financial Goals
All the companies want to make sure that their operating costs are as less as they could be. The accountant basically keeps an eye on the goals and objectives of the company. they check if the policies of the company are capable enough to make it successful or not. The audit firms in uae take a look over everything and then determines what steps should be taken in order to bring new and innovational changes in the company.
Auditing firms in UAE,
If you want to carry out the audit of our company, you can do two things. You can either hire an external auditor or you can recruit an employee in your company as well. in both the cases, you will get the benefit for sure. You will be able to know regarding your pros and cons and in this way, you will be able to make your company better and better day by day.
Make sure that you give proper attention to the audit of your company. you can get the help off auditing firms in JAFZA and auditing firms in DAFZA as well this is very necessary for the proper working of your company. so, make sure you work on it like you should as a responsible owner of your company.