
Link Building for an E-commerce Business

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Prospects for an Ecommerce website are ever growing and so do opportunities and tools to promote it through Digital Marketing. The actual success is not letting many people know about your website and your brand name, but getting as many prospective customers as possible to visit your website and make purchases. So, what you have to do to get across this is to create Backlinks to your Ecommerce website and its various relevant web pages from multiple online platforms, pages and ads. While the number of backlinks to your Ecommerce website is all more important, it is equally important that you get quality backlinks for good number of conversions and Call-To-Action (CTA) fulfilments.

For this, you should really understand how your potential buyers look for your products and what factors that they consider to evaluate an online brand and an Ecommerce website. Yot should start preparing a list of the most relevant platforms and websites including online influencers, shopping bloggers, business writers, YouTube video channels, affiliate websites, coupon & deals directories, etc., where online shoppers look for product updates, offers, brand news, latest arrivals, new products, trending technologies, fashion and hot picks. For Perfect Link Building Plans & Packages, Click here.

You have to sit and check these Ecommerce web pages and sources to see the relevance for your Ecommerce business and products. Then select the most relevant web platforms, shopping blogs and influencers channels category-wise, location-wise and conversion likelihood-wise. Accordingly, rank them with highest scores on these parameters and list them.

Then, start the process of Link Building submitting your content on them with backlinks to your Ecommerce website.

Link Building through Content Websites

Content Websites on E-commerce related topics are the great places to put your articles, ads and blogs with backlinks to your E-commerce website. Potential buyers use these content websites to read about products and their benefits available on various Ecommerce websites. Your brand placements in any form such as ads, articles, product briefs, website mentions, news updates or comments will surely contribute a lot to your website with those backlinks.   Find more on this at

Link Building through Local Directories

Bannerds and business listings in the right product categories with an URL link to your Ecommerce website will drive targeted audience to your website. Because, search engines like Google list local directories on top of its search results for local keywords and your Ecommerce website’s presence in multiples of those local directories make the product searchers land on your website through these directories and these customers are most likely to take desired action if they find what they want on your Ecommerce website.

Link Building through Social Media

Social Media is what most people spend their time on either for their profession, education, connectivity, fun and pastime. If you find the right pages and groups, a huge volume of those users click your Ecommerce website URLs and buy your products. Place the right backlinks in right pages and groups for the sake of relevancy and increase the possibility of more clicks and results. You can use multiple options and features of Social Media like timeline posts, featured posts, ads, story, Tweets, etc., with keywords, hashtags, location tags to rightly position your brand and products.

Link Building through Digital Ads

Digital Marketing consists of three stages: Awareness, Consideration and Decision. Digital Ads help in all these three stages for your potential customers to find your Ecommerce website and products. You can promote your Ecommerce website links through Google PPC Ads so that when someone is looking for information regarding your product category, your PPC Ad will show up before him and prompt him to check your website. Even in the Consideration and Decision stages, when prospects try to find a product to match their needs, your ad will show up before him to buy your product. Likewise, Google Display Ads, Facebook Ads, Twitter Ads, Instagram Ads, Ad Banners in other platforms help your prospects know about your website and through the backlink bring the customers to your Ecommerce website.

Link Building through Press Releases

If you have an announcement to make to millions of internet users and want an instant reach, do not even hesitate. Press Releases are a great way to start and finish off in style. Use highly relevant keywords, proper backlinks, Anchor Texts, Press Release titles, brand and product images. Result will be immense and tremendous.

Link Building through Affiliate Marketing

Affiliates are the backbones of most of the popular and highly successful Ecommerce websites the world over. Tie up with the Affiliates in your own niche for better conversion and relevance,  and link the relevant product category pages to the Affiliates web pages according to the context. The more the number of Affiliates backlinks to your Ecommerce website, the higher your website traffic and sales.

Link Building through Coupon Directories

People want to save as much money as possible through better deals and discounts either directly on the Ecommerce websites or on Offers and Deals Directories through Coupons and Coupon Codes. Put your products with excellent Offers, Deals and Discounts on these Coupon Directories both general, niche and local so that you will have customer traffic and sales.


You can use any number of methods, resources and tools to promote your Ecommerce website links as part of your Ecommerce Link Building Strategy. But deeper in your mind you will have to ensure that you should link only with the most suitable web platforms and influencers’ blogs, video channels, article websites, social media groups and pages for higher relevance, context and connectivity. The idea is: connect to the best and get away with the feast. You should also bear in mind about your SEO score in the long run while connecting your Ecommerce  website to every single website. A bad website will discredit your website and cause a bad reputation for your brand which will affect your Google results in the long run.

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