
Comparison Between Traditional Office Space and Executive Office Suites

Comparison Between Traditional Office Space and Executive Office Suites Posted On
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For certain business models, working from home is a wonderful idea. However, many entrepreneurs and businesses working from home have started realizing that such set-up is not as beneficial in the real-world situation.

Following are few of the challenges that people face while working from home:

  • Various distractions at home
  • Unreliable Wi-Fi connection
  • Household responsibilities
  • Kids playing inside the room

This can have negative effect on your productivity and therefore Execu-Suites down town can offer a better solution.

During initial stages of the business these problems were not noticeable much, but as you grow, your workload will also increase. This is when you understand the importance of having an organization and structure for your work environment, so that you can be productive and meet your future goals.

As an owner of a small business or as part of larger group, there will be two different options for working:

  1. Traditional office space
  2. Executive suite.

Let us try to understand each one of them separately.

Traditional office space

Usually, traditional office leasing needs a long-term commitment where space will be provided at certain price per square foot. In the traditional settings, few common areas include community rest rooms and shared lobby.

You can further add on according to your business and the number of employees etc. For a bigger company this kind of arrangement may suite quite well.

However, if you own small business or only need few offices, then you may consider executive suites environment.

Executive suites

In this kind of office model, a smaller, furnished and individual offices which include number of amenities which is not included in above traditional office environment. Such amenities will include:

  • Various utilities
  • Internet facility
  • Common waiting areas
  • Shared receptionist
  • Executive conference rooms
  • Community break rooms
  • Workroom with shared high-speed copier/scanner/printer
  • Complimentary beverages
  • On-site shredding services

With such work environment, business owners will get a professional image before their clients by leasing less office space and yet having access to sufficient common space, receptionist and also access to equipment/amenities by paying lower monthly price.

How a shared workspace can help your business?

Following are few benefits of this model:

  1. Increased productivity

All business owners will need structure and the business will succeed if there is organization. By working from home, it will be difficult to achieve.

  1. Networking with many other entrepreneurs

By networking with surrounding entrepreneurs and small business owners will help building working relationships.

Such relationship will open doors for many new opportunities and business relationships.

  1. Flexibility

One of the main benefits working in such shared office environment will be the ability of working nonstop as per your own schedule.

With executive conference rooms for holding meetings, quiet space for making conference calls and having professional business address can be substantial reason for offering a chance to shared work space.

Finding such work space which is good for your own business may not have to be too overwhelming process. Ensure that you must know what you will be paying for. You should have clear understanding before signing the lease that what are you going to get.

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