CBD Dosing for Optimal Results – Everything You Should Know

CBD has become quite popular these days among fitness enthusiasts and also who are suffering from chronic diseases. Needless to say, with its varied usage, it has become a rage these days. However, there is a lot of confusion with the right usage. Dosage of CBD are very crucial and there are different types of dosages for different aliments.
There is proper standardization of CBD dosing which varies from person to person as per the weight and age. Since it is not approved by FDA the knowledge of the dosage is rare and you may not get from the right sources. Here we have combined all the tried and tested dosage that can be used for usage. You can try them for yourself for self-care. Read the article to know more.
Determining the optimal dosage
Once you are done with the form of CBD, you are using your need to work out a dosing timeline. This schedule is dependent on the form of CBD, you are using and the purpose of using it. Also, throughout the dosing you must maintain accurate time, every day.
Start dosing as per Body weight
There are few people whose body can absorb 300 mg CBD in a single dosage. However, to start with 1 to 6 mg is proper for per 10 lbs of body weight. The standard dosage for first time users should not exceed 2 – 3 mg during the first few days. Afterwards you can gradually increase depending on the problem.
Buying them legally
You can easily get this dosage over the counter CBD store. There are few licensed CBD stores that sell original products. It is very important to obtain them legally because of its potent side effects. You must never buy them from unregistered sellers.
Often you might notice few stores giving out huge discounts and making tall claims, do not fall prey to such sellers. Also, there are few medical stores in the United States which allow membership discounts on CBD oil. You should take a look at their website for more information.
Calculating the dosage timing
As mentioned earlier, timing is important hence let’s check out it in details:
Daytime or the first dosage in the morning:
Your initial dosage should be after the breakfast. Make sure you have a proper and well-balanced breakfast. Proper nutrients are important during the dosage otherwise, you will become groggy. Keep in mind CBD can also make you depressed. Hence, you must take it until dinner, as controlled dosage.
Evening dosage
This will be your mid dosage and can be taken after work and before dinner. Make sure there is gap with this dosage and the night dosage of minimum 5-6 hours. You can take this dosage a little higher than the daytime dosage.
Pre bed or night dosage
This dosage should be taken right before going to bed. As per professionals this dosage should be much higher than rest of the day. This dosage induces sleep and make sure you are taking this appropriately as per the weight of your body. Ensure proper dosage nothing less nothing more because if you take less quantity dosage, it may wear off in the middle of the night.
There are no major side effects of over the counter CBD. You just have to make sure to take it in proper quantities in order to get best results.